Dead Mall Press boycotts Wix and commits to BDS/PACBI
Welcome to Dead Mall Press’s new website. This change is a part of DMP’s commitment to Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) and to the liberation of the Palestinian people. The previous website had been made with Wix (an Israeli company), and while BDS has not singled out Wix for boycott themselves, they’ve officially recognized and endorsed the organic boycott that has been raised against the company (see graphic below). This change of website is only a small, individual action, but I feel it imperative to do what I can in solidarity with Palestine and against Israeli genocide, apartheid, and occupation. Although the change to Squarespace was a time-consuming process, boycotting Wix was an obvious choice.
See Wix in lower right hand corner. See link above for source.
Here, I also want to assert the press’s alignment with PACBI (Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel). In doing so, I’m following the lead of fellow small publishers at Radiator Press, Spiral Editions, Protean Magazine, and Prolit, and I feel grateful and inspired to find myself in community with these friends and comrades. Admittedly, DMP is not influential enough to be invited to cultural events sponsored by Israel, or to be enlisted in a state normalization/propaganda campaign, and so this commitment is largely symbolic. However, at a time when merely voicing solidarity with Palestine has been stigmatized and even criminalized, I think it is important for all cultural producers, regardless of size and influence, to stand together to declare their commitment to Palestinian liberation. More info can be found at the WAWOG (Writers Against the War on Gaza) website.
To mark this moment, I am offering a donation incentive for Palestine Legal. If you donate $20 or more, I will send you free copies of all four of the chapbooks I myself have written for the press (see Trilogy and Three Essays in the bookstore for more info). Shipping will be covered as well. Just send me a screenshot or other form of receipt for the donation at, and I’ll get the order ready for you. [Note: The books will not begin shipping until the week of January 15th due to travel.]
Thank you for reading, and thank you to all who have supported Dead Mall Press.